Family run and beautifully adorned hotel restaurant overlooking private grounds
Michelin Stars:
Cuisine: Italian
Address: Via Cantalupa, 17 24060 Brusaporto (BG) Italy
Food Rating: 93%
Fine Dining Honestly Reviewed
(in order of most recent)
Family run and beautifully adorned hotel restaurant overlooking private grounds
Michelin Stars:
Cuisine: Italian
Address: Via Cantalupa, 17 24060 Brusaporto (BG) Italy
Food Rating: 93%
High end 3 Michelin starred restaurant with stunning views of Rome and exquisite care to portion size and design of dishes. Jackets most certainly needed for gentlemen to dine here.
Michelin Stars:
Cuisine: Modern
Address: Via Alberto Cadlolo 101, Rome, 00136, Italy
Food Rating: 94%
My hobby-turned-passion began to evolve during my assignments to London where I was fortunate enough to be able to explore all the Michelin starred restaurants in my spare time and as a result, I gradually built up a catalogue of all these venues.