Beatifully decked out (inside and out) East London pub with good food, log fires and a riverside view
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: British Traditional
Address: 27 Coldharbour, London, E14 9NS
Food Rating: 69%
Fine Dining Honestly Reviewed
(in order of most recent)
Beatifully decked out (inside and out) East London pub with good food, log fires and a riverside view
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: British Traditional
Address: 27 Coldharbour, London, E14 9NS
Food Rating: 69%
Picturesque Gordon Ramsay pub sat overlooking the Thames at Limehouse with long, conservatory restaruant serving doable food.Â
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: British Traditional
Address: 44 Narrow Street, Limehouse, E14 8DP
Food Rating: 64%
Part of a four part chain in London (at time of writing) serving decoratively served Japanese food in a stylish venue - very good value for unlimited booze brunches at the weekend
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: Japanese
Address: 1st Floor, 40 Canada Square, London, E14 5FW
Food Rating: 64%
My hobby-turned-passion began to evolve during my assignments to London where I was fortunate enough to be able to explore all the Michelin starred restaurants in my spare time and as a result, I gradually built up a catalogue of all these venues.