Long standing and popular good food restaurant with rooms for those visiting the far corners of the Isle of Skye
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: British Modern
Address: Colbost House, B884, Dunvegan, Colbost, Isle of Skye IV55 8ZT
Food Rating: 76%
Fine Dining Honestly Reviewed
(in order of most recent)
Long standing and popular good food restaurant with rooms for those visiting the far corners of the Isle of Skye
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: British Modern
Address: Colbost House, B884, Dunvegan, Colbost, Isle of Skye IV55 8ZT
Food Rating: 76%
Bespoke Michelin starred restaurant with rooms overlooking Loch Hourn, serving simple and wonderfully flavoured dishes
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: Modern
Address: Sleat, Isle of Skye IV43 8QY
Food Rating: 70%
My hobby-turned-passion began to evolve during my assignments to London where I was fortunate enough to be able to explore all the Michelin starred restaurants in my spare time and as a result, I gradually built up a catalogue of all these venues.