2 Michelin stars at the time of visiting on this review - now refurbished and reopened as 'Marcus'
Another chance for me to sample the highest tasting menu on a Birthday celebration.  As previously mentioned the venue is perfect for this sort of occasion, albeit one needs to mind their volume at the table, and the food was undeniably pleasing again.  The photos will speak for themselves however particular favourites were the foie gras cracker amuse bouches and the pineapple pastry dessert I should have gone for, which my brother recommended but I stupidly didn’t go for in order to get more creations on the table, resulting in him ending up with the far better dessert.
The only down side of this visit is that I think I actually preferred all the amuse bouche and in between course surprises more than the actual main dishes(!).  However, it was another class act in terms of the food and I now need to get back there as soon as possible in order to experience the new design and feel of the newly unveiled Marcus.  I sense Mr Wareing is probably more at ease with himself and his approach (that he wishes to provide) to the overall dining experience now and this can only be a good thing.  Ceasing to firecely chase the dream of a third star and be more relaxed in his approach may well be the thing that gains him that one day but that is only a thought from myself.  I look forward to seeing if there is any likewise enhancement in the dishes served at Marcus when I next go.
Food Grade: 82%
Although I had already had the degustation menu prior to this first review, this set menu lunch celebration, was another lovely food occasion.  My first experience here however, was tainted by a Moroccan head waiter who disallowed taking photos of the food back in 2009.  Times have changed drastically and I now don’t even bother to ask to take pictures as nearly 100% of places will be only too pleased for this to happen – at least they should be if they are proud of their product!  The main reason, I assume the vast minority will be unhappy to allow photos, is fear of design theft by others, which I can understand.  But I do believe there has been a climate shift in restaurants loosening on this from the more that I speak to which is frankly the right decision, as it allows diners to maximise their experience and memories.
Apart from that previous downer (plus being overcharged £130 for the on the first visit – quickly u-turned naturally after we spotted it), this set menu lunch was extremely good.  The price is a little more than one would pay in other London restaurants (£50 set menu lunch), but at 2 Michelin level with numerous pleasant extras guaranteed owing to its class and the special nature of the venue this would seem acceptable.  The value for money is enhanced when one receives the finely cooked ingredients in a subtle and elegant presentation and particular highlights were actually the caramel butter to go with the bread selection and the finger and dipping bisque which was a deep fried pea finger in batter and very enjoyable.  This is a special venue, without any argument and would recommend for any excuse to get dressed up and indulge in excellence.
Food Grade: 81%
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