Neighbourhood outdoor restaurant serving quality pasta
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: Italian
Address: Via Giuseppe Avezzana, 11, 00195 Roma, Italy
Food Rating: 74%
Fine Dining Honestly Reviewed
(in order of most recent)
Neighbourhood outdoor restaurant serving quality pasta
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: Italian
Address: Via Giuseppe Avezzana, 11, 00195 Roma, Italy
Food Rating: 74%
World class cooking in an unassuming restaurant, located in a plain looking neighbourhood serving some of the best food had on record.
Michelin Stars:
Cuisine: Italian
Address: Via Liguria, 1, 35030 Sarmeola di Rubano, PD, Italy
Food Rating: 97%
High end 3 Michelin starred restaurant with stunning views of Rome and exquisite care to portion size and design of dishes. Jackets most certainly needed for gentlemen to dine here.
Michelin Stars:
Cuisine: Modern
Address: Via Alberto Cadlolo 101, Rome, 00136, Italy
Food Rating: 94%
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: International
Address: 32-34 Monmouth St, London WC2H 9HA
Food Rating: 76%
Alleyway branch of Dishoom in the Carnaby St area serving the same winning formula dishes as with all Dishooms
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: Indian
Address: 22 Kingly Street London W1B 5QP
Food Rating: 64%
No reservation counter dining for 27 people, serving American-Italian comfort dishes designed for evening sociality and a casual setting
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: American-Italian
Address: 61 Rupert St, London W1D 7PW
Food Rating: 64%
Sister restaurant to Hakkasan Hanway Place (Tottenham Ct Rd) serving quality modern and traditional Chinese dishes in a stylishly and dimly lit setting, mostly suited for younger, vibrant crowds
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: Chinese
Address: 17 Bruton Street, London, W1J 6QB
Food Rating: 81%
Long established and vibrant Italian restaurant 10 minutes walk from Hammersmith tube station, serving simple, yet powerful dishes
Michelin Stars:
Cuisine: Italian
Address: Thames Wharf, Rainville Road, Hammersmith, W6 9HA
Food Rating: 74%
Neighbourhood restaurant off Gloucester Road serving French-Japanese fusion food with an impeccable wine list, but sadly did not hit the mark for me in any other way
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: French with Japanese influence
Address: 36 Gloucester Road London SW7 4QT
Food Rating: 56%
Bespoke Japanese counter dining restaurant in Mayfair for 9 people at a time, serving a set tasting menu using rare and quality ingredients with an equally bespoke price (the most expensive in the country).
Michelin Stars: N/A
Cuisine: Japanese
Address: 12 New Burlington Street, W1S 3BF
Food Rating: 84%
My hobby-turned-passion began to evolve during my assignments to London where I was fortunate enough to be able to explore all the Michelin starred restaurants in my spare time and as a result, I gradually built up a catalogue of all these venues.